GHSRA Membership

We provide challenging and motivating competition to help you reach your full potential!

GHSRA Rodeo Queen

Come Join Us!

2023-2024 NHSRA Membership must be completed online! 

Important:  Returning members do not make a new account. Please click on forgot user name or password and follow directions

Please review the Membership Information Checklist  for complete instructions.

GHSRA Rodeo Event

Rodeo Entry

To enter a rodeo, you must enter through our online entry system this year during the appropriate time published. After you finish the form and submit you will receive an email back to the email you listed in the entry form. Please review the email right away to make sure everything is accurate. If you find a problem please call Julie Townsend 850-566-4008 to get it corrected. At every rodeo we need a permission slip signed by a parent and the contestant; this will be turned in during sign-in where you pay your weekend fees.

GHSRA Pole Event


Annual Membership fee is $194.38
($139.00 plus $9.38 online fee will be paid to NHSRA and $46 to GHSRA at first rodeo)
Annual Associate Membership fee is $10
Entry fee per event is $45
Grounds fee per weekend is $20

There is a small payout at each rodeo ($17.50 of each entry goes in the pot) but the kids mostly compete for cumulative points throughout the year. The top twenty five at year-end can compete at the State Finals Rodeo. In order to compete at state, there are required minimum raffle ticket sales and ad/sponsorship sales. At the conclusion of our State Finals Rodeo, the top four contestants in each event are eligible to go to the National High School Finals Rodeo